Capitol Forum Conferences

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Antitrust Trial of the Century: Google AdTech and Possible Remedy Options

Thu, Sep 05, 2024 | 9:30 am EST

The Capitol Forum is pleased to host a conference, held days before United States v. Google starts, on what is likely the most important antitrust trial of this century.

Location and RSVP Instructions 

  • Location: National Press Club, 529 14th St NW, Washington, DC 20045 
  • Space is limited. To RSVP, visit our event registration page

Conference Agenda

The first half of the conference, held at The National Press Club in Washington, will focus on the history of antitrust breakups and remedies, with the second half addressing the problems and solutions related to Google and the AdTech industry as well as what a vision for a sustainable competitive market looks like. Topics for discussion include:

  • A History of Law and Business Related to Breakups
  • The AT&T Consent Decree, BT Openreach Split, and Microsoft – What Worked and What Didn’t with Remedies in the Tech Sector
  • Options for Structural Remedies and Nondiscrimination Policies in Consent Agreements
  • What a Healthy AdTech Market Looks Like and How to Provide Opportunity for Other Tech Players, Media Companies

A select list of invited participants includes:

  • Tim Wu, Columbia University
  • Bill Baer, Brookings Institution
  • Barry Lynn, Open Markets Institute
  • Cristina Caffara, Antitrust Expert
  • Tim Cowen, Preiskel & Co
  • James Rosewell, 51 Degrees & Movement for an Open Web
  • Seth Bloom, Bloom Strategic Counsel
  • Jason Kint, Digital Content Next
  • John Newman, University of Miami School of Law
  • Matt Stoller, American Economic Liberties Project
  • Zephyr Teachout, Fordham Law School
  • Kara Frederick, Heritage Foundation

Reserve your spot today!

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